February 16, 2019

31 Days of Self Love Challenge

Yesterday I published the last post in the 31 Days of Love Challenge from Blessing Manifesting. Here are all of the questions/challenges in case you'd like to answer them for yourself, as well as some of my thoughts in conclusion.
  1.  What is your biggest struggle with loving yourself?
  2. Get rid of a limiting belief that you have about yourself or your abilities.  
  3. What good habit do you want to begin this month?
  4. What is a compliment that you struggle to accept about yourself?
  5. What is a something you need to start saying "yes" to?
  6. What do you need to forgive yourself for?
  7. Name a thing you love about your body and your personality.
  8. Where in your life do you need to slow down and take your time?  
  9. What's something in your life that you need to get rid of?
  10. How can you set better boundaries in your life?
  11. How would you describe yourself, in a loving way, to a stranger?
  12. What makes you feel happy to be alive? 
  13. Take a selfie. Just as you are. Find one thing to love about it.
  14. What would your younger self be proud of you for today?
  15. What are you afraid to ask for? What do you need to speak up about?
  16. What is the most loving thing you've ever done for yourself?
  17. When was the last time you indulged yourself and how?
  18. What's one change you can make to increase your happiness?
  19. How are you making the world a better place?
  20. How can you give yourself a break today? (Mentally, physically, or emotionally)
  21. What's something you're working on believing that you deserve?
  22. What things make you feel bad, but you find yourself doing them anyway?
  23. What does your support system look like? How can you make it stronger?
  24. What's something you wish someone would say to you?
  25. What things are you really good at?
  26. What parts of yourself are you ashamed of? What does your shadow self look like?
  27. What's one choice you can make right now that your future self will thank you for?
  28. Who are your role models and what qualities do you share with them?
  29. What words or beliefs do you (want to) live your life by?
  30. What labels (negative and positive) do you assign yourself?
  31. Going forward, how can you commit to loving yourself every day?

My Thoughts:

I'm definitely glad that I participated in this challenge! Answering each day's prompt helped me begin 2019 in a positive and introspective way. I learned a lot about myself and also enjoyed the challenge of looking at each day's question from a Christian perspective, not just a psychological one. Discussing my answers and hearing J's thoughts was also a fun way for us to spend time together. I would like to encourage you to at least think about your answers to some of the prompts - even if you don't enjoy analyzing yourself as much as J and I do, you might learn something about yourself + be encouraged by how far you've come. 

"I understand that the past will be the past, and nothing changes that. 
But the future is brighter than any flashback." 

- January White, Sleeping At Last

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